Monday, February 21, 2011

Decisions, Oh Decisions...

                                                             (Which one to take?)

There comes a time in your life when you begin to question everything surrounding you.
You finally take a look back at what your life has been like.
You remember all those times in which your heart was fluttered with joy, memories that pour right into your brain, making you quite sad that times have changed.
Having to remember the elementary times where coloring inside the lines was the most important thing. Not wanting to go to school...parents, having to stick with their role, convinced us to go to school. 

I remember the first crush I had in Elementary School. His name was Steven something
(with the increasing years my memory has gone bad)
I remember having that butterfly feeling & have a smile on my face everytime I saw him.
Next came that scary thought of moving on to middle school where the bad decisions seem to be lurking around and you felt a pressure to excell in school to make it to the next level: High School.

                                                           (This picture is sooo cute!)

With the progressing years I was finally in the 8th grade, in technology class being quiet & a girl came up to me and asked me what we were doing. Without looking at her I said: "I don't know" very quietly. From that day on we became close. We have been best friends ever since and every now and then she reminds me of that day, teasing me about how innocent and shy I was. The beginning of my freshman year was pretty much the bomb. Meeting new friends and getting straight A's was the best. Until 10th grade hit, and I was worrying about passing the Fcat (it's unnecessary for human life in my opinion). We saw the seniors come and go until we were the ones who the lower-classmen looked up to. Quite honestly I have had better school years than my Senior year from what I'm experiencing. Everyone is so mature now and nothing exciting happens...must be the school I go to, but that's a whole different story. In less than 3 months the Class of 2011 will be walking across that stage & receiving their diplomas, and begin a new life in the REAL WORLD..

We were once like this...

& now we are this...graduates of 2011!
 For every ending
there's a new beginning; for every memory,
there's a dream ahead. The happy times you've had so far,
The people you have met Will always be a part of life
You'll never quite forget... But ever better, brighter days
Are waiting just for you, So dream your dreams...
and start in now To make them all come true! -Unknown